Register a Cyprus company

All the information you need on to how to register a Cyprus company

Company Name

You may suggest a company name for registering your Cyprus company. This name will be submitted to the Registrar of Companies for approval. The process takes approximately 2 to 3 working days to complete.

Alternatively, we have an extensive list of already approved names, one of which you may choose to register your Cyprus company. See the list of available Cyprus ready companies and approved company names.

Company Activity

The main activities of your Cyprus company must be provided so that the Memorandum and Articles of Association can be drawn up for submission.

Every single ready-made company in Cyprus we register has a Memorandum which is general in nature so as to include any type of business transactions, from trading activities to holding companies and investments. If you are in a hurry, you may prefer to buy a ready-made company in Cyprus (shelf company in Cyprus) rather than going through the Cyprus company registration process. If so, please have a look at our ready made companies which can be immediately available to you.

If however, you prefer to register a Cyprus company from scratch, it is possible to draft your new company's Memorandum as per your requirements.

If you are in doubt as to how to register a Cyprus company and prefer to speak to one of our specialists for assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Company Shareholders

Your Cyprus company needs a minimum of one shareholder. If you desire anonymity, then our Trustee company, Meridian Trust – Corporate & Fiduciary Services may act as your trustee to hold the shares on your behalf, without your name being disclosed publicly. Trustees are legally required not to disclose the names of the shareholders. If you do not require anonymity, then the shares may be registered on your own name.

If you need to ask more questions as to how to register a company in Cyprus and / or using our trustee services, please do feel free to contact us.

Company Directors

In the case of an Offshore Cyprus company or a Cyprus IBC (International Business Company) as they are now referred to, the management and control of the company needs to be exercised within Cyprus, for tax residency and administrative purposes.

It is not imperative that company directors be local residents. However, it is strongly advisable: in order for a Cyprus registered company to obtain tax residency and benefit from Cyprus' low taxation, appointed directors would need to be locals.

Our Trustee company, Meridian Trust – Corporate & Fiduciary Services is able to provide local directors, who will be able to conduct the functions through the guidance of the beneficial owners. This will ensure the smooth and timely operation of the company, whilst meeting the Cyprus tax residency requirements.

If you would like to ask one of our specialists for assistance or if you have any questions about registering a Cyprus company or using our trustee services, please feel free to contact us.

Company Secretary

Cyprus Company Law requires that every company has a company secretary. Our trustee company, Meridian Trust – Corporate & Fiduciary Services acts as a company secretary to companies, unless otherwise instructed. Please note that this is merely a statutory held post and does not involve the provision of any actual secretarial services, even though we can provide secretarial services if required. Please see our section under Virtual Office if additional virtual office facilities are required.

Registered Office Address

Another legal requirement is that a company has a registered office, without implying that this entails the opening of an administrative office. Our own office address is used as the company's registered office address.

Share Capital

It is recommended that the authorized and issued share capital of a newly formed company in Cyprus is at least 1000 shares comprising 1 euro each (no payment needs to be made for the shares). The number of shares can be altered for a nominal fee.

Documents you need to register a Cyprus Company

Reference Letters

A reference letter is required for each beneficial owner/shareholder/director. You can provide us with a Bank reference letter or a Professional's reference letter issued by a Law Office. Samples of reference letters in English can be found in the company registration documents Section.

Passport Copy

We require a certified passport copy of each beneficial owner/shareholder/director, their dates of birth, addresses, and professions.

The passport can be certified as being a true copy by a notary public, lawyer, or by the Cyprus Embassy or Consulate in your country of origin.

Utility Bill

A recent and original utility bill (electricity, water, telephone, gas, council tax etc.) is required as proof of address of the beneficial owner/director/shareholder. This should be no more than 3 months old.

For further clarification regarding documents necessary to register a Cyprus company, or if you wish to speak to one of our specialists for assistance, please feel free to contact us.

How long does it take to register a Cyprus Company?

It takes approximately 7-10 days to register a Cyprus company. However, if you need your Cyprus company immediately, you may choose one from our list of Cyprus shelf companies. By doing so, your Cyprus company may be up and running, and ready to do business in as little as 24 hours.

Register your Cyprus Company Online

Register your Cyprus company online. It is quick and simple.